Sani5 News: July 07, 2007
New Paradise Cove Treatment Plant
District News-Sani5 Web Admin
Saturday, 07 July 2007: 8116 Hits
Paradise Cove's new self-contained wastewater treatment plant is slated for delivery and installation in June and will replace an existing plant that is currently twenty years older than it's projected twenty year service life. The new 'plant' is actually two plants that will operate in tandem, increasing capacity, reducing the load on any single plant and also facilitating regular preventative maintenance. One plant can stay on-line while the other is undergoing maintenance.
Kudos to the District's staff for keeping the existing Paradise Cove plant operational and incident-free for over forty years!
The engineering firm responsible for installation of the new plant had planned to use a helicopter to deliver the equipment, but our ever vigilant District Manager, Bob Lynch, convinced them that he could have it delivered by barge at significantly less expense and without the disturbance to the neighborhood that the helicopters would have created. This saved the District between $60,000 and $80,000.